
Biology Study Program and EGC

Biology Study Program (Biology StuFK) and Educational Opportunity Grants Commissions

Study Program Commission Biology (StuFK)

This panel corresponds to the former “Study Program Planning Commission, StuPK” which was installed in 2004 at our faculty. The faculty has a long tradition to discuss quality aspects of teaching and learning in regular cycles. The panel meets at least twice during a semester and discusses current developments and problems in the field of teaching and learning based on the results of questionnaires, surveys and statistical data but also previous discussions of students with professors on study issues. Based on that, ideas and proposals are developed to improve the quality of the study programs with regard to both content and organization. The results are forwarded to the faculty council. In order to better focus on teacher training specific issues, a subcommittee for these teaching programs has been established consisting of StuFK members and people involved in teacher training.

PD Dr. Alois Palmetshofer (career coordinator)

Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter (Dean)
Prof. Irene Marten (molecular plant physiology and biophysics)
Dr. Michael Riedel (ecophysiology and vegetation ecology)
PD Dr. Susanne Berger (pharmaceutical biology)
Prof. Dagmar Beier (microbiology)
Prof. Thomas Dandekar (bioinformatics)
PD Dr. Sören Doose (biotechnology and biophysics)
Dr. Dirk Rieger (neurobiology and genetics)
Prof. Manfred Alsheimer (cell and developmental biology)
Dr. Oliver Geissler (behavioural physiology and sociobiology)
Prof. Thomas Schmitt (animal ecology and tropical biology)
Prof. Dr. Sabine Fischer (CCTB)
PD Dr. Robert Hock (degree programme coordinator)

Deans of Studies:
Prof. Markus Engstler (Dean of Studies)
Prof. Thomas Müller (Dean of Studies)

student representatives:
(2 alternating)

Dr. Sabine Gerstner (FDid)
Dr. Sabine Glaab (FDid)
Dr. Ulrike Rapp-Galmiche (Studienkoordinatorin Lehramt)
Dr. Matthias Wolf (bioinformatics)
PD Dr. Robert Hock (degree programme coordinator)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Alsheimer (cell and developmental biology)
Dr. Oliver Geissler (behavioural physiology and sociobiology)
Dr. Michael Riedel (ecophysiology and vegetation ecology)
Dr. Ines Kreuzer (molecular plant physiology and biophysics)

Educational Opportunity Grants Commission

This panel consists of equal numbers of students and professors, which are announced by the faculty council and the students´ council, respectively, the study dean representing the chair. Based on proposals submitted by students or members of the faculty, the committee discusses and decides on the use of the educational opportunity grants budget at the Faculty of Biology. The committee meets several times a year, starting towards the end of the winter term, and very urgent proposals may be submitted any time at the study dean´s office. The study dean reports on the spending of the budget regularly by circulating lists on acquired equipment to the members of the faculty.

For details to the regulatory framework on the educational opportunity, grants follow this link

Members of the Educational Opportunity Grants Commission


Dean of studies  (Prof. Dr. Markus Engstler, Vorsitzender)
Dean (Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, ex officio)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller
Prof. Dr. Ricarda Scheiner
Prof. Dr. Christian Wegener


Madita Huvar
Sebastian Korb
Johanna Rauch
Aylin Richter
Marco Stiegelbauer